3M Canada Advancing Sustainable Solutions

3M Canada focuses on advancing a circular economy, accelerating climate solutions, and working with communities to inspire people to join them.

Recently, 3M Canada supported the collection of native plant seeds at Hawk Cliff Woods in Elgin County to inspire their community and customers to be more sustainable. (image below)


3M Canada’s approach towards a more environmentally friendly future focuses on three key areas:

  • Creating a circular economy. Designing solutions that do more with less material. This model focuses on production that continually reuses resources, taking ‘waste’ from one process and using it as ‘input’ for another.

  • Addressing climate change. Innovating to decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The establishment of a strategic energy management program to improve energy use and make changes to the manufacturing processes. 3M Canada, headquartered in London, Ontario, has seen an 18% increase in energy efficiency and aiming to have global operations on 100% renewable power by 2050.

  • Helping our community. Building sustainable communities through strategic investments and involvement of 3M businesses, sites, and employees. 3Mgives is working with Carolinian Canada to turn 230 acres of land into natural landscapes that support the health of people, plants, and animals.

If you are interested in how your business can innovate sustainably,


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